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Friday 22 June 2012

Double Mastectomy Surgery

Double Mastectomy Surgery, Breast cancer is a nasty disease. It takes women’s breasts, dignity, sexuality, and often their lives. Jodie Jaecks is a survivor of breast cancer. 15 months ago she found a lump during a routine self exam, and afterwards faced a barrage of treatments and surgeries – one of which resulted in her having two thick scars where her breasts used to be. Jaecks chose to have a double mastectomy to treat her cancer, and decided not to opt for reconstructive surgery.

After treatments, Jaecks wanted to take her life back and joined a swimming pool to get back in to shape. Due to nerve damage, however, Jodie wasn’t able to find a bathing suit top that didn’t leave her in pain. She finally approached the pool management to ask if they would object to her simply swimming t*pl*ss. breast cancer survivor swim topless seattle,

At first pool management said yes. But when they reached a city official, she was told that she had to wear “gender appropriate clothing”. Jaecks found this ridiculous. “If I called myself a man and walked into that pool they would have no problem with my body, but if I am a woman who’s had breast cancer with the exact same body and I go in there then it was offensive or inappropriate. I just thought that was ludicrous,” she told the Seattle Pi.